Thursday, December 13, 2007

Buttons are silly things

Had the dress fitting last night, It just seems so unfinished atm all the beading is yet to be done, and other bits and pieces still unfinished. But it is looking great it had the buttons on this time they are so tiny, good luck to my mum :lol: they had problems doing up the 2 top buttons but once it was up it felt ok a little tight but she said that they need to stretch or something.
I tried on a veil it look quite good it was very very simple and it was as long as the dress 2.3m. I'm getting it but still unsure if i'll wear it on the day i guess i leave it up to last minute and then it can be a surprise :)

Heading out tonight with Kenz and Arna, should be a good night. Although i have busy day tomorrow so i'm not sure how long i'll be out for :)


Unknown said...

Love the new profile pic!!! Thats the one I took on my phone, you look totally hot!! Go mojito!!

Dress sounds lovely, I really cant wait to see it. 6 weeks out and still not finished, so I can see why that would be a little scary, but that is plenty of time!

Kenz said...

Oooo your dress sounds so pretty :)

I hope you feel better soon, we'll have a catch up sometime before Chrissy if we get a chance, if not we'll have a girls night when Lee is over from NZ!

14pk said...

you're dress is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! we must not be far apart in wedding dates....ours is not far away either!!!! GO THE BRIDES TO BE!!!