Tuesday, December 11, 2007

6 weeks to go

I can’t believe there is about 6weeks left to the wedding. I have to admit I am little bit over it at the moment I being told this is normal. I feel excited about becoming Joel and I becoming husband and Wife I just feel like there is so much going on I don’t have time to just relax, lucky Christmas is coming up and I’ll have a couple of days off but then it’s back to work. I’m getting so excited about the honeymoon.

We ordered our cake flavours the other day we are having cherry/chocolate flavour. We aren’t actually handing our cake out at the wedding or serving it up as dessert. We will cut it just for pictures and then because all my family will be over from the east we are having a brunch the next day and we will hand out the cake then just to close friends and family. I know I am going to get some strange looks from people about this on the day but I just wanted something special for my family for coming over and I though this was a nice idea. I will make sure Joel’s parents/grandparents get some though.

Have had some more dramas with my MOH to cut a very long story short she can not make the rehearsal/dance lesson or my hen’s night – which now has been cancelled. Her reason’s are justified to an extent but she is just acting like she didn’t know anything about the wedding until a month ago and making comments about how she hope I only get married once and a few other snide remarks.

I’m heading to the reception place today to finalise some details and then tomorrow I have my final dress fitting.


Amanda said...

6 weeks already! OMG. Boo to your MOH, yay to the cake! I think it's nice idea, although you're right, you'll probably get some odd looks... but that doesn't matter.

Unknown said...

Oooh eer im excited about your wedding too. And the hens. Party time!!!!!

6 weeks isnt far at all, and its good that you have everything planned and organised. That cake sounds yummy. Arna want some :D