Friday, October 26, 2007

YAY! it's Friday

This day has seemed to go on forever. YAY! It’s nearly over and it’s the weekend.

Tonight I am going out with the boy and heading to a movie, which will be nice I feel like I have been non stop busy this week.

Tomorrow night I’m meant to be heading out to a birthday with a 60’s theme, I am trying to get out of it so I can go out with Arna, Kenz and Phillipa. Hopefully I can get out of it I think I am 95% out of it YAY! Mmm but I have to wear the dress I got for the 60’s party cos I got it especially for this and it was $130, it’s a little bit like a shift dress style I spose. So I hope I look ok to go out with the girls, oh well I’ll be retro lol.

Found out today I’m heading to Albany for work in about 3 weeks, I have never been to Albany so I’m a bit excited about it but nervous too cos I hate those little planes, they quite frankly scare the shit out of me. My sister works in the mines and always has to go on one, so it mustn’t be that bad.

Hope Everyone has a Great Weekend! xxx

1 comment:

The Candid Bandit said...

So did you end up going out, dying to see your retro dress!