Sunday, September 14, 2008


I’m sitting here eating my home made pumpkin and sweet potato soup. I have to rub it in, it’s my first time ever making soup and it is delish.
Thank god there were left overs so I could have it for lunch today. Last night I had my sister and her boyfriend over for dinner. They work in the mines and go back today so I thought I would make them dinner before they go back. My sister is a sweet heart and spoils me although I am the eldest ha ha. So she deserved a nice meal.
It all went well, and the food was enjoyed by all.

Had a pretty quiet weekend which was very nice for a change. I need to re charge for Melbourne. Watch the footy Saturday night and my team won YAY! Very excited go the Saints!

I wasn’t going to tell anyone this but hey I have a big mouth lol. I have actually started WW again, not officially but I’m counting points again. I just need to get back into a routine and plan our meals, this way it’s so much healthier and easier. I have already planned all this weeks meals and it feels great. I feel great and have only been doing it for 1 week.

We are going to go for a little walk tonight and play some tennis. YAY! to tennis.

Check out our picture in our bedroom don’t you just love it: It matches our room perfect.


The Candid Bandit said...

That picture is awesome! I was born on Audrey's birthday and my son on Katherine Hepburns birthday. Iconic isn't she?

Congrats on joining WW again.

Unknown said...

How was melbs. I miss you. Where are you. I wish we lived closer xxxx