Tuesday, March 11, 2008

if the shoe fits wear it

The joys of having a mortgage I know I shouldn’t complain about it, we should be thankful we were able to get a house. But with these interest rises it really is straining us; the main reason is because we are still at construction so the interest rate was high to begin with. Hopefully it shouldn’t be too long now until we are in our house.

I have started packing up all the stuff at my parent’s house, just from my mum’s wardrobe alone it was 6 boxes packed full. I really had to clear some stuff out mainly jewellery, shoes and odd bits and pieces I just couldn’t be stuffed putting on eBay so I went to the markets on Sunday and sold most of the stuff which is good, and walked away with $208 so not bad it all went to savings boo hoo. I would of loved for it to go to my Alannah Hill fund. I miss shopping so much I tried to shop my self out overseas and it did last a couple of weeks of really not in the mood to shop. But now I have been back for 3 weeks and I feel the need to spend. So there had been these shoes I thought we quite cute in Target before I even went away, walked passed today they were $1.86 for a pair of sexy gold heels only pair left my size. So I snapped them up ha ha I get rid of shoes and then add more to the collection hey why not I’m going to have to look pretty in my house because we will be spending most of our time there I predict. Not sure where all my shoes and clothes are going to go in the new house, I would love a room just for all my stuff but it’s only 3bedrooms. One is ours and one is a spare and the other well we are saving that room for something special. All Joel’s musical equipment is going in the garage at them moment we only have one car so it works out well he gets half the garage it was meant to go in the 3rd bedroom but he suggested he would like the garage I had no objections.

I’m really over my job at the moment I have been here 6 years this April and next year I get long service I’m hanging out for that and then I am leaving I deserve so much more than this job. Also we are hoping to start a family soon, and I’m hoping it will all tie in nicely with long service etc. One thing is stopping me and that is Joel wants to work overseas/interstate(Melbourne) So if I do get pregnant I will either stay here on my own with my family as support or go with him and only have a few people I know there. We really haven’t decided what to do yet Joel is waiting for the financial year to be up and then he will make his decision.


Kenz said...

Hey honey I hope you're feeling better, it's nearly the end of the day!

If you happen to be pregnant when the interstate option comes up, I think you should go for it. You're a lovely girl and will make friends so easily, and I'm sure your family would fly to be with you at the critical moment!

You never know though, when the family option becomes real, I don't think Joel would want to leave you and a bun behind :) Priorities change pretty quick smart!

You could always do it later with toddlers! You'd make lots of friends through play group :)

Unknown said...

omg if you move to melbourne i will just die. Seriously, i cant liveeeee if living is without youuu as celine dion would say!

Heaps of my friends are moving there. soooo not fair!!

I know your pains with work. I am soooo over it. Maybe I can help with your shopping fund, if u still have any stuff left sell it to meeee!! I have to come see you real soon. I have the ball this weekend but am totally free next week xxxx

Stacey said...

Don't tell me all this stuff! lol. Sarah? My darling Sarah who shops shops shops and now can't? lol. Pleeeeeease tell me it will get better? lol. Oh the joys of being responsible!

And with those shoes, I thought you were going to say you didn't end up getting them! I'm like nooooooo but I'm happy now! haha.

Well I hope you come to Melbourne so I can steal you away for a while! haha.

14pk said...

your wedding photos are amazing. sorry haven't been on sooner...

congratulations and all that...do i dare ask the question that EVERYONE asks me..

"hows married life?"


know what you mean about money, owning a house....hard but it is good you're right..but still very hard!!!